Most Oregon residents believe that when they have a medical issue, a doctor will be able to pinpoint what that issue is and provide a course of treatment that will either cure or control the ailment. In order to achieve that goal, a physician will often perform a...
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Month: August 2015
Surgical errors forced man’s son to undergo more surgery
Oregon parents are sometimes forced to trust strangers with the health and safety of their children. There seems to be an inherent amount of trust for doctors, surgeons and other medical personnel, and when that trust is violated by surgical errors, it can be...
Man says surgical errors caused him to need a second procedure
In a true medical emergency in which surgery is required, an Oregon resident may not have the time or opportunity to choose a surgeon. Most surgeons are diligent, meet all applicable standards of care and perform successful procedures. However, surgeons and their...
Couple says hospital negligence killed their newborn
Oregon readers may be interested to know that the parents of a premature newborn recently amended a complaint filed against the hospital where their baby died to request punitive damages. The couple alleges that hospital negligence led to the loss of their child. They...