Today, we look at the field of dentistry, and one dentist in particular who would probably make Freddie Kruger scared. The dentist isn't from Oregon, nor does he even practice dentistry anymore -- probably because of the allegations surrounding his practice -- but...
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Month: May 2015
Medical culture ravaged by bullying tendencies
The medical field is a high-stress industry. Those who are nurses, doctors and surgeons know this all too well. They have to work long, tough hours and perform incredibly dangerous medical procedures on a routine basis. But even with all of this stress, that still...
Not every patient in the hospital can have a fairy tale ending
It's hard to hear the phrase "medical error" and not immediately assume that the doctors and medical institutions involved were obviously and completely at fault for the incident. While it may be a leap in logic, it's a pretty safe leap. Medical errors are one of the...
Victims of medical malpractice need legal help
In some respects, we take diagnosing a medical condition for granted. We just expect that the doctor will always get it right, because he or she has to, right? They have all the training and experience, and they understand the human body better than most people on...