The increasing use of technology and advancements in safety practices was expected to reduce the number of auto accidents with injuries and fatalities. However, Portland has seen an unexpected increase in crashes. To address the problem, traffic safety has been a...
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Personal Injury
Watch out for aggressive drivers on Portland roads
We have all seen aggressive drivers on the roads. They are usually the people speeding, weaving through traffic, tailgating other vehicles or generally driving in a reckless and irresponsible manner. Causes of aggressive driving There are many causes of aggressive...
What happens if I’m injured on Portland public transportation?
Public transportation often proves to be the optimal and convenient mode of reaching various desirable destinations, especially in situations where parking is challenging or expensive, like in our town. It provides an avenue to reclaim personal time for activities or...
Guiding you through a personal injury action following a car crash
With winter holidays in full swing, we often find ourselves traveling to and from gatherings with our loved ones. In Oregon and elsewhere, the days get shorter and the weather gets colder. For many, this means winter weather conditions on the roadways. While driving...
What should I do if a government worker caused my injury?
Like other states and the federal government, Oregon allows its citizens to sue the government if a government employee causes injuries to an Oregon resident. A government worker’s negligence affects the lives of private Lake Oswego residents more often than one might...
Why would I have to sue the government after an injury?
Many people in the Lake Oswego area might not think that they would ever have a reason to sue the state or a local government. However, thinking about it, Oregon’s government includes many different agencies. Likewise, Multnomah County, Lake Oswego and the surrounding...
Recent spike in fatal Lake Oswego auto accidents linked to alcohol
In recent years, distracted driving has come to the forefront in causing auto accidents with injuries and fatalities. However, there are longstanding risks that have always been known precursors to collisions – specifically drivers who are under the influence of...
Spinal cord injuries are mostly preventable
Spinal cord injuries happen for a number of common reasons, and many, or perhaps most of them are preventable. For example, motor vehicle accidents are the most common cause of spinal cord injuries, accounting for over 38% of new spinal cord injuries. As the second...
I was just in an accident. What do I do now?
Across the United States, car accidents befall millions of us every year. And, the idea of being in a car accident is scary, but if we prepare for the eventuality, it is much less scary. Buy and install a dashboard camera now In the past, lawyers would recommend that...
Understanding a settlement offer after a motor vehicle accident
When vehicles collide on Lake Oswego roads, people may suffer severe injuries, losses of property, and other damages. They may incur bills from hospitals and other sources as they begin to put their lives back together after their accidents. For some, dealing with the...