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Auto accidents, injuries and deaths in Portland spark questions

On Behalf of | Jan 5, 2025 | Personal Injury |

The increasing use of technology and advancements in safety practices was expected to reduce the number of auto accidents with injuries and fatalities. However, Portland has seen an unexpected increase in crashes. To address the problem, traffic safety has been a topic of discussion.

City officials recently spoke about the matter. They referenced statistics and speculated as to why the situation is getting worse. While it is imperative for traffic officials and police to understand why these collisions are occurring as they seek solutions, people must be cognizant of the dangers they face and take steps to mitigate them. When there is an accident and they are injured or lose a loved one, they should be aware of their options.

Driver behavior and cultural factors play a role in crashes

According to officials, drivers got into bad habits during the 2020 health crisis. The trend has continued even as the health threat subsided. With fewer vehicles on the road, drivers indulged in risky behaviors including speeding, distracted driving and driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs.

There were 67 road deaths in Portland in the most recent tally. Law enforcement stated that since 2020, the annual road deaths were higher every year than they were in 2000. The Portland Police Bureau is out in force from the time people get off work to the middle of the night when statistics show most dangerous driving behaviors occur.

Other strategies being considered include speed and intersection cameras to dissuade drivers from flouting the law when there is no law enforcement presence. Vision Zero – the ambitious endeavor to end all traffic deaths – has seen inconsistent results in Portland.

Know what steps to take after an auto accident

The roads in Portland and throughout Oregon are getting worse. Traffic entities and law enforcement are unsure of how to proceed to reduce accident frequency and make the roads safer.

Any type of auto accident can have catastrophic consequences for the injured person and their family. This goes beyond the physical damage and can harm them personally, emotionally and financially.

Whether it is an accident involving a pedestrian, a bicyclist, a motorcyclist, a driver or passenger, it is vital to understand what can be done to make a full recovery. Having guidance is crucial.


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Lake Oswego, Oregon 97035

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