Oregon parents are sometimes forced to trust strangers with the health and safety of their children. There seems to be an inherent amount of trust for doctors, surgeons and other medical personnel, and when that trust is violated by surgical errors, it can be devastating. A father in another state went through this on Christmas in 2013.
His son was suffering from acute appendicitis and had to have a laproscopic appendectomy. According to the lawsuit filed by the boy’s father, during the procedure, the surgeon stapled his terminal ileum, which is where the small and large intestine meet. After the procedure, the boy began vomiting and suffered from severe abdominal pain.
On Dec. 29, 2013, doctors performed a CT scan on the boy and discovered that he had a small obstruction of his bowel, which is what caused his pain and other symptoms. The boy, whose age was not reported, had to undergo another surgical procedure to correct the problem. His father alleges that the doctors to whom he entrusted his son failed to meet the appropriate standards of care, which caused his son pain and left him disfigured. Moreover, the family incurred additional medical costs, which should not have been necessary.
The judge presiding over the civil lawsuit will determine whether enough evidence of surgical errors exists to substantiate an award of damages to the family. Hopefully, no Oregon parent will have to endure the same experience, but if it does occur, it may be possible to file a medical malpractice claim against all of the parties believed responsible. Any monetary damages awarded could provide the family restitution for past and current medical costs, along with any future medical needs and other documented financial losses.
Source: cookcountyrecord.com, “Father fights for damages in alleged failed appendectomy“, Carol Ostrow, Aug. 13, 2015