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How to prepare for your wrongful termination case

On Behalf of | Feb 26, 2021 | Employment Law |

Discrimination is rampant in Oregon workplaces. If you feel like you’ve been subjected to discrimination, then you’re probably feeling the very real effects of it. Not only can it be humiliating and degrading, but it can also cause significant harm to your career and your financial stability. This is especially true if you’ve been wrongfully terminated from your position or your afraid that reporting the discriminatory before will result in wrongful termination.

How to prepare for a wrongful termination claim

But you can prepare yourself for legal action against your employer. Here are a few ways how:

  • Take notes: Discrimination that ends up leading to wrongful termination is often ongoing during the course of employment. Be sure to take notes of all discriminatory behavior, including who was involved, what exactly happened, and when it happened.
  • Talk to witnesses: You’re probably not the only one being discriminated against in your workplace. Talk to others who you suspect have been subjected to discriminatory behaviors as well as those who have witnessed such behaviors. Be sure to gather their contact information in case you need it as you progress with your legal claim.
  • Save documents: Your performance record, pay stubs, and email correspondences with the perpetrator of discrimination can go a long way in your case. Even social media posts can be indicative of discriminatory behavior. Your employer’s employee handbook and policies might also show lapses in anti-discrimination practices.
  • Know the law: Oregon gives workers a lot of protections, but you have to know about those protections in order to use them to your advantage. This is where speaking with an experienced legal professional can be beneficial.

Find the support you need to stand up

We know that standing up to an employer or a former employer can be tough. But you don’t have to navigate the process alone. Instead, you can have a competent legal professional by your side who will help you build the strong case you deserve. If you’d like to learn more about how to do that, then now may be the time to reach out to an employment attorney of your choosing.


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4248 Galewood Street
Lake Oswego, Oregon 97035

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Fax: (971) 277-3894