When a newborn suffers a preventable birth injury due to a physician’s error, the child’s life may never be the same. However, birth injuries also have a major impact on the child’s parents. Having to raise a child with a severe disability is understandably challenging both emotionally and financially. However, there are some other negative effects a birth injury can have on families in Lake Oswego.
Maternal PTSD and PPD
If a mother had a difficult birth, she could develop post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This could affect her ability to bond with her newborn child. In addition, a mother whose infant suffered a birth injury could feel like she failed somehow and could be afraid of what the future will bring, leading to postpartum depression (PPD). This could also affect her ability to bond with her newborn child.
Strained relationships
Raising a special needs child is difficult even in the best of circumstances. Burnout on the part of parents or caretakers is a very real problem, but parents may also find that their relationship with one another suffers when their infant has a disabling birth injury caused by physician malpractice. Caring for a special needs child can put stress on parents who may be unable to keep in touch with others that they may have leaned on for support, and without healthy outlets some couples may even find their marriage is breaking down.
The effect on siblings
One sometimes overlooked aspect of birth injuries involves a couple’s other children. When parents have a newborn with birth injuries, their newborn’s needs may be very great. This can lead the parents’ other children feeling abandoned or isolated. Birth injuries affect everyone in the family.
The effects of a birth injury are far reaching
As this shows, the effects of a birth injury are far reaching. Unfortunately, many birth injuries are not accidental and could be prevented but for an act of negligence on the part of the health care provider. If your child suffered a birth injury due to an act of medical malpractice, you may want to determine if it is appropriate to pursue a legal claim against the responsible parties.