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Artificial intelligence could help eliminate missed diagnoses

On Behalf of | May 31, 2018 | Failure To Diagnose |

So many things are changing in the world of technology that it’s no surprise that medicine is benefiting. Artificial intelligence (AI) can help provide accurate diagnoses and reduce the number of mistakes made in the medical setting.

Researchers recently discovered that AI is better at identifying skin cancer than dermatologists are, for example. An AI tool was compared against 58 international dermatologists to test its accuracy. Overall, the dermatologists identified around 86.6 percent of melanomas, but the AI tool identified around 95 percent.

Artificial intelligence could also help in cardiology or with identifying eye diseases. One system developed in England can identify heart disease more accurately than physicians. An AI tool could identify an eye condition called retinopathy of prematurity better than the majority of experts.

As of now, there are many technological advances that could help identify medical conditions and help patients get the appropriate diagnosis. There will be a lower chance of walking away without a diagnosis and a better chance of getting the right diagnosis. With an early diagnosis, and one that is accurate, it’s easier to get the medical care you need and to stop an illness in its tracks.

Patients deserve to receive the best care that is available. With the right medical technology combined with the compassion of human medical providers, it’s possible to get good health care. If you’re hurt because a medical provider isn’t using tools to help accurately diagnose you, it’s a good idea to look into your legal options. You may be able to obtain compensation for your injuries and losses.

Source: News Guards, “Man Vs Machine: Artificial Intelligence Outperforms Doctors at Diagnosing Diseases,” Patricia Kellogg, May 29, 2018


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