When Oregon residents go to the emergency room complaining of some condition or ailment, they expect the doctors, nurses and other medical staff to listen to their complaints. It can be frustrating when patients feel that their concerns are not being properly addressed. Just because a patient is not a medical professional does not mean that he or she is wrong. When medical staff do not take patients seriously, hospital negligence can be the result.
The family of a 57-year-old woman who was removed in handcuffs from a hospital where she sought care says that she was only trying to get someone to listen to her. She went to the emergency room because she was having difficulty breathing. After she was examined, she was told that she was begin released. She wanted to stay because she did not yet feel better, and hospital personnel had police come to remove her.
She was handcuffed and taken away for allegedly trespassing and disturbing the peace. As she was led out of the Florida hospital, she collapsed. Officers removed the cuffs and took her back into the emergency room, but it was too late. Audio from one of the police officers indicates that hospital personnel felt the woman’s vital signs were good, but they chose to readmit her anyway.
Oregon readers might agree with sources that indicate the family believes the hospital did too little too late. If the evidence proves that hospital negligence caused or contributed to her death, the family might be entitled to a monetary judgment for the damages incurred related to the death of their loved one. Even though any restitution received will help the family with the financial losses they sustained, a successful claim could also cause revisions in hospital policy so that no one ever experiences such a tragedy in the future.
Source: providencejournal.com, “Woman dies after being forcibly removed from hospital“, Joe Reedy, Dec. 23, 2015